Analyze your sales data today!

Empowering online sellers to analyze their Etsy sales data, maximize profits, maintain customer relationships, and more.

An on-demand dashboard for analyzing your Etsy sales data

Our comprehensive suite of analytics, charts, graphs, and visual displays are sure to help and assist you in running your Etsy shop.

Top Selling States

Analyzing where your products are being purchased can help in improving your shipping logistics and drive down costs.

Top Selling Customers

Ensuring your business relationships are being maintained

Top Variants

Knowing which variations of products are selling and which ones need improving.

Top Selling Product

Staying ahead of the competition and being able to spot trends with your inventory.

Yearly Sales

Being able to see all of the yearly sales, month by month. This chart with all of your yearly sales in the same chart is eye opening.

How Are Your Reviews

Monitoring your reviews to uncover any issues you may be having with certain products.